32211 St : Group Exhibition

Organised curated and created with Sarah Catania and Bradley Mendels this group show was my first major exhibition exhibited at Airspace Projects in Marche 2021.

Exhibition opening night photographs

Exhibition Statement

As we all sat inside the ‘comfort’ of our homes during the past year, our shrunken spaces deprived us of our regular lives, causing us to look for and make new ones inside of our homes. 

Being alienated from the outside world plunges the self below the surface, confronted with our own discomforts we each set out to capture how our perceptions of ‘home’ had transformed. 

Each work offers a different viewpoint, from the overexposed self to the hidden self; 32211 St. warps the familiar and shows just how unfamiliar it can become.

In this show I have exhibited the Fist Series of My Home paintings on perspex, and the video performance Looking out, Looking in.


NOX Night Sculpture walk


Taking a bath in a field