Same Bed Different dreams Exhibition

Same Bed different Dreams is a group exhibition by the students of Sculpture 3 course, UNSW Art and design, 2022. This exhibition was located at Benheim House in Randwick provided by Randwick Council, organised by Allan Giddy and Consuelo; then curated by the students.

Exhibition Opening , Photographed by Glenn Duffus

I was part of the class of 2021 which never got the opportunity to exhibit due to a lockdown. Thanks to Allan who allowed the students from this class to take part in next year’s class exhibition. Twenty microwaves stayed in my garage for a year before being used for this large installation.

The microwave wall officially titled $123,157 in Space, is my biggest and most challenging artwork so far, in moments it felt like I was doing it all on my own but many people helped me along the way, I would like to thank them here.

The microwave work helpers

Thank you to everyone working in the tool room making centre at UNSW art and design especially Tom who believes that any crazy project can be done and Karam but also Sam, Nic and others. Thank you also to the Hack space people Elias and Alex for helping me with the coding and electrical part of the work .

Thank you to all the students who helped me with transporting and mounting the works, thanks to Sarah, Liam, Nicole, Leon, a big thank you to Eric for installing and fixing the microwave wall.

Thank you to my amazing partner Chris for helping me pick up the microwaves over the year and driving them around transporting them and for deinstalling , thanks to my friends Clarisse, Ingrid and Cian who helped find the microwaves and thanks to Olly for an emergency help for deinstalling and at last but not least thank you to Alain my dad who have greatly helped out during whole adventure.


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