Gleaming Glass Immersive Installation

The first public Presentation of Gleaming Glass was exhibited as a Solo show at 107 Projects in Redfern. As this space is a large warehouse style gallery fully lit I installed black theatre curtains to darken the space, inviting the audience to walk into to experience the show.

This immersive installation aims to unveil a sense of wonder lying within the glassware within our homes. Through the exposure of light shining across the domestic glass object, whimsical organic patterns and textures emerge. This work captures this sight, blowing it up into a large-scale immersive experience allowing the audience to lose themselves in the wave like formations cast across the space.

Through this white cube gallery presentation, the glassware is presented like artefacts on a series of plinths and columns of different heights creating a maze for the audience to explore and walk through. Although the objects are presented on pedestals insinuating their worth the projections that are cast on the walls and ceiling of the space are the focus.

This work encourages the audience to explore new perspectives surrounding the everyday objects within their home while elevating the everyday object into a magical experience for the audience to explore.


Same Bed Different dreams Exhibition


A Greater Space