Friendly Neighbourhood Artist - 2022

A public art intervention where the artist went around her local area during Council Clean Ups and rearranged the piles of objects left on the street to create more sculpturesque creative and cheerful presentations of these forgotten objects. The aim was to shift the community’s experience towards this display of objects into a more cheerful and creative one. Through this performance the artist persona interacted with many members of the public curious of what was happening and happy to have a conversation creating a sense of community around this event.

Forgotten chairs 2020

The work highlights the over consumption of our population and their habit to throw away rather than pass on or fix. In this work I give a second life to those forgotten objects by sitting with the discarded pile of items and reinventing their purpose as props. The diva outfit contrasts with the broken, used objects highlighting the absurdity of comparing people to trash. This work can be seen as a critique of the objectification of woman, whilst showing aspects of women empowerment that can bring purpose to those that feel broken or forgotten. “you might treat me like trash but this trash has a voice that will be heard, emotions and strength that won’t be forgotten”.

Print of these images and more are available for sale, please contact the artist to enquire.

The next Christmas Photo Booth (event photograph) , 2021, papier-mâché frame , timber, found objects, 2.2x3x4 m

The next Christmas Photo Booth, 2021

Performed at the NOX Night Sculpture Walk supported by Randwick City Council, 14th-16th May 2021 at Randwick Environmental Park.

This work aims to bring good memories and joy to the to the piles of discarded objects found on the streets, bringing them positive energy and value once more. An ironic commentary on consumerism through the lens of traditional photos with Santa, who is replaced with discarded gifts from last seasons Christmas. The audience was welcome to walk within the frame and join the artist in being part of the work.


Tokens of Connection (2022)


Revealing the artist (2020-2021)