The artist portrait, 2021, mixed media installation, 2.10x1.60x1.5 m

Revealing the artist portrait 2021

This performance requires the audience’s participation to reveal the artist to the world. Through this performance we see how erasing becomes a means of painting. This portrait is using excessive symbolism, inspired by Hyacinthe Rigaud’s Portrait of Louis XIV, in doing so I aim to place the female artist in a position of power. 

Revealing the artist portrait (video summary performance), 2021, paper fabric paint light tripod candle books, 2.10x1.6x1.5 m, 2 min 44sec

The artist appearance (video performance) , 2020, perspex, papier-mâché frame, acrylic paint, fabric, 3 min 18 sec

The artist fighting to be seen 2020

The artist’s appearance focuses on the emergence of the artist and their quest in finding their own voice, illustrating the struggle and strength that comes with being an artist. In this work I use my own body to make my mark in the art world creating my own identity as an artist. I am using all my strength and energy in creating my own frame and artistic path, within the golden large frame fulled with expectations.


Council clean up series (2020-2022)


My home (2021)